Most users utilize hex editing for trivial purposes like cheating at games by modifying certain offset values. You can do that with even the most basic editor. But when you need a professional application, Hex Workshop might be a great solution.
The first thing I liked about Hex Workshop was that it doesn't just help you get the job done, but it allows you to do it in your own way. There is a wide variety of user customization options that will definitely streamline your interactions with the application. You can change colors, use tags and even place bookmarks which will help you save time when working on large files.
I was also impressed with the multitude of handy features which Hex Workshop has to offer. It provides a hex calculator, it can quickly compare any two files that you desire and even provide you with character distribution statistics. Furthermore, it can calculate the checksums of your files.
As a conclusion, I think that this application is pretty expensive for casual users, but if you are a programmer and you need to debug your code, Hex Workshop is a program that could really help you out.
HEW eliminates the need to switch environments between coding and debugging.